Campus Rules
Limit your use of cell phones and other electronic devices.
No cell phones during demonstrations and teachings.
No illegal substances.
No nicotine use in the presence of others or in community spaces.
Residential facilities are off limits to students unless accompanied by a resident or teacher.
Only #1, #2 and TP in the potties!
Please leave your pets at home.
Please do not invite other people to the property without permission.
Please respect fellow community members and spaces.
All are expected to communicate clearly with compassion and empathy in mind.
Is there Cell Phone Reception?
Yes, most providers have great reception at our place. It might get a little unstable down in the valley or across the creek.
Can I drive my car to my camp?
Yes, you can drive your car into the woods to unload and set up camp, but after unloading please keep your vehicle parked on the driveway or designated parking spots.
Can I camp in my vehicle or van?
Yes, but let us know before you get here. If you are setting up your camping vehicle in the woods, please treat your vehicle like a tent and keep your driving limited.
Can I harvest wild foods and materials from the property?
We ask that you refrain from harvesting wild foods on our property during this event unless given specific permission by the owner.
Can I bring alcohol and drugs?
No Thanks! This is an alcohol and illegal drug free event.
Can I come for just part of the time?
If you are intending to participate in the summer pottery workshops, we ask that you commit to provided workshop sessions. You are welcome to visit the school during the sessions if you are interested but can’t make it the whole time. Please contact us if you are interested in a visit.
What do I do with my dishwater?
Please throw your dishwater in the edge of the woods, not in the creek, near gardens, or in animal enclosures.
Where should I put my trash, recyclables, and compost?
Please use the designated bins for recycling and trash, and you may throw your compost in the pallet compost pile. Please do not throw meat or bones in the compost as the property dogs (and other critters) will be very interested.
What happens during a storm?
We have a space for storm shelter in the basement of the Historic Aase Haugen Home. If the creek is flooding, we will do our best to help campers move their gear and find space to stay.
Where should I keep my food?
Please keep your food in a secure cooler or box. We are in a wild place, where we have experienced many raccoons digging for goodies in the trash, and there has been the occasional bear sighting so please be aware of the wild community of animals living alongside us.
Are there Showers?
We are working on an outdoor cold shower, which we hope to be available by the start of the school session this year. ***